Mitch Jones, a Twitch streamer known for playing World of Warcraft on the platform, revealed that he was denied partnership despite having over 15k subscribers. Jones also holds the 35th position for the most subscribed channel on the platform, raising questions about why Twitch hasn’t approved his Twitch partnership.

Mitch Jones’ history with Twitch

Mitch Jones was actually a Twitch partner. However, in September 2019, his account was banned due to leaked Discord messages containing racist slurs he typed toward another user. The streamer accidentally revealed the messages himself on stream, but the viewers were quick to see the messages before he closed the window. His suspension came right after the incident.

Fast forward to 2023, Mitch Jones tried applying for the partnership program again. However, Twitch denied his application. According to the email sent by the platform, “Unfortunately, we cannot offer you a Partnership at this time. Over 2 million broadcasters livestream on our platform each month, but the Partner Program only consists of a small percentage of them. While we would love to include all of our broadcasters in the program, we must be selective with the channels we accept.” 

“That’s okay tho I will prove myself. been in Twitch since day one,” Mitch Jones said in his X/Twitter post regarding this denial. 

Will he move to Kick? 

Recently, Kick has offered streamers an alternative to Twitch. Although Twitch still rules the livestreaming space, Kick has carved out a space for itself in the industry. Mitch Jones viewers are speculating he may move to Kick. However, if he were to move to Kick, we don’t believe that he would exclusively stream on Kick. Also, given the fact that Jones said he would prove himself to Twitch, we doubt, at least right now, he’s going to ditch the platform.