Snapchat is shaking up how creators earn money with changes that promise new opportunities but also tougher entry requirements.

New way to earn money

Starting February 1, 2025, Snapchat will combine ad revenue from its Stories and Spotlight platforms into a unified monetization program. This means creators can earn from ads placed in Stories or Spotlight videos longer than one minute. However, shorter videos will no longer qualify for monetization, following a trend seen on platforms like TikTok.

“Spotlight viewership is up 25% year-over-year, creating a unique and growing opportunity for creators to monetize this format in the same way as Stories,” Snapchat stated in a blog post.

End of Spotlight Rewards Program

Snapchat’s existing Spotlight Rewards Program, which started in 2020 to rival TikTok’s Creator Fund, will officially end on January 31, 2025. The program had paid out $250 million to over 12,000 creators in its first year by dividing $1 million daily among the creators of the best Spotlight videos. However, payouts had gradually reduced, with Snapchat focusing more on ad-based revenue.

The new system streamlines revenue from both Stories and Spotlight ads, aiming to encourage longer content for better ad placement. This strategy aligns with moves by TikTok and YouTube, which also reward longer videos for generating more ad revenue.

New requirements for creators

To qualify for Snapchat’s new monetization program, creators must meet significantly higher benchmarks. These include:

  • At least 50,000 followers.
  • Posting at least 25 times per month to Saved Stories or Spotlight.
  • Posting to Spotlight or public Stories on at least 10 of the last 28 days.
  • Reaching one of these engagement levels in the last 28 days: 10 million Snap views, 1 million Spotlight views, or 12,000 hours of view time.

Additionally, creators need an invitation from Snapchat to join the program, making entry even more exclusive.