Going on an adventure is always better when you can share it with others. Travel vlogs allow creators to document their journeys worldwide and bring their audience along with them. 

Vlogging has been around for decades now. The idea of seeing people’s day-to-day lives unfold is intriguing to many viewers, especially if they’re internet personalities they admire. Travel vlogs take it a step further; it’s the documentation of a journey that’s a new experience for both the creator and their audience. Travel vlogs are exciting, adventurous, and often educational, teaching people about new cultures and places in the world. They’re super engaging and people never can get enough of them. Here’s how to create your own blog so you can share your adventures with your audience.

Find your travel vlog niche

The key to running any successful channel on any platform is finding a niche that will help you differentiate yourself from other similar channels. Considering how saturated the travel vlogging space is, you will need to stand out from the rest to grow an audience. However, finding a niche is a lot easier said than done. Consider what makes you different from other travel vloggers; this will require some research on your part. Take a look at all the successful vlogging channels on various platforms and document what makes them unique. Then think of ways you can put your own spin on the formulas that work; you can approach your vlogs with an original premise, unique editing style or the commentary you provide. Ultimately, you want to find out what’s going to make your channel different from the rest.

Gear up for travel vlogging


You don’t need the most expensive camera on the market to start shooting travel vlogs. Most smartphone cameras today offer enough quality to be a great starting option. If you want to up the quality of your videos down the road, there are many professional vlogging cameras to choose from. For instance, the Canon M50 is a great choice for vloggers on a budget because it can shoot 4K video for under $600. While most people will be watching your vlog in 1080p, 4K video downscaled to 1080p still delivers more image detail than video originally shot at 1080p.

Canon M50 is a good option for vloggers wanting a budget, dedicated vlogging camera. Image courtesy: Brit and Mike


A lot of the time, in-body microphones on your camera or your smartphone sound horrible. The only real reliable way to record quality audio is to invest in an external microphone. Most attach directly onto the top of your dedicated camera. For smartphones, they a lot of the time attached to smartphone hand stabilizers. If you would like some guidance for purchasing an external microphone, check out our microphones buyer’s guide.


You will be moving around a lot during your travels; you need to make sure the footage you’re capturing for your travel vlog is stable. Otherwise, the quality of your vlog will suffer. Tripods and gimbals are great for keeping your camera stable while moving. Gimbals help you shoot stable hand-held footage, while portable tripods allow you to prop up your cameras on flat surfaces, like a restaurant table.


Getting a well-exposed shot can be a challenge when you’re traveling. There are portable lights you can attach to your gimbal, but a lot of the time, you’re at the mercy of the placement of the sun. Use natural light to your advantage and try to shoot in places that aren’t too sunny to avoid over-exposure. For times when you can set up a light, like eating out, you can opt for a ring light.

Time to get filming

Tell a story

A good travel vlog is more than getting from point A to point B. It tells the story of how you got to your destination, showing all the highlights along the way and capturing the payoff when you finally reach the destination. Vlogs should follow the basic story structure: a beginning, middle and end. You can tell the story of your journey by either speaking to the camera or showing it visually through B-roll.

Person filming city and ocean with smartphone

Be authentic

Your audience wants to experience your travels with you. The best way to make your audience feel like they’re along for the ride is to be authentic. If your videos feel scripted, the experience might fall flat. They want to experience the moment with you as you do, so the more genuine you are in your reaction, the better.

Take it to post

After shooting your travel vlog, it’s time to edit the video. First, you want to cut out any unnecessary parts that don’t add to the story you’re trying to tell. Trim down footage and move around clips to ensure the story flows smoothly.

Once you have a clean-cut, it’s time to add in the magic. Color correct your remaining clips, add in fitting music and insert graphics or voiceovers if that fits your style.

Tell your story

Travel vlogs allow creators to take their audience around the world and boost engagement on their vlogs. If you love to travel and share your journey with the rest of the world, there’s no better way to do that than a travel vlog.