Sharing our stories is a critical aspect of being human. In short, it’s one of the most important legacies we can leave for future generations. Stories help us feel connected to people we care about and often have life lessons to carry forward. As technology has evolved, we’ve often incorporated the latest trends for our storytelling. Now, in today’s digital age, video is a means of communication that can add emotion and depth to your most treasured stories.

The history of storytelling

Since the beginning of recorded history, humans have been, well, recording history. We’ve also been recording stories from our lives for just as long. The first recorded stories were written into the walls of caves in areas of France nearly 30,000 years ago. Many told stories of animals and everyday life. In recent years, archeologists have discovered hieroglyphic pictures carved into stone dating back as far as 5,200 years. Some were designed as signs at crossroads to help travelers find their way. Others were dedicated to glorifying kings and queens.

Truly, narratives of all sorts have been shared in families and social circles since the dawn of language. Passing our stories down to younger generations is a particular joy. As the written word developed in cultures around the globe, storytelling has been scribed onto pages and pages have been bound into books. We love stories so much that we’ve curated these books into personal and public libraries. People have weaved into jewelry, fabrics, and even elaborate tapestries for centuries. Drawings, sketches, paintings, photography and many other art forms are used to convey stories, as well.

In modern times, video technology has democratized the ability to tell stories. We can record our stories to watch as often as we’d like. We can reproduce our video stories for the masses on disks and drives. The internet makes sharing stories with the world possible. Then, access to social media makes it instantaneous. We can share our daily experiences on social media in a practically unlimited way from virtually anywhere.

A powerful and accessible form of storytelling

Today, video technology is more accessible than ever. Millions of people have the ability to shoot, edit and publish on their smartphones, ready at a moment’s notice. Dedicated video cameras range in size and capabilities. They capture details of motion, sound, and environment. Many cameras have built-in technology to transfer your videos directly to desktop computers so that you can edit them. You can even livestream directly to an audience online for real-time sharing. Dozens of popular websites – from Twitch to TikTok, and essentially everything in between – make all of this available at no cost.

Getting people – especially strangers – to hear your story and actually feel something about it can be tricky. Video helps to overcome that hurdle. It makes everything more personal. They can see your emotions and connect with the situation you’re in at that moment. Hopefully, they’ll imagine what it might feel like for themselves. It’s a powerful storytelling tool that can be used for purposes like capturing rare moments or milestones, recording events as a piece of history or simply sharing your own experiences.

We all have stories to tell

When we share our views personally, we can connect with people on a deep level. On the surface, stories shared via video help keep people informed about events in other places. In addition, it’s often used to educate or entertain. However, it usually reaches further. It can create unlikely connections, impart empathy, spark activism, or inspire change on either micro or macro levels.

Video is one of the primary forms of communication of our time, and storytelling is one of its many important elements. Sharing our experiences through video can bring knowledge and understanding to the world. If you have the opportunity to, share your stories. Also, give your attention to other people’s stories whenever you can. It may become the beginning of positive change. Perhaps it just brings a little happiness to one person’s day. Whatever comes of it, your stories are worth sharing.

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