Music industry rips off YouTube musicians with aggressive claim tactics
Copyright trolling is a real issue and many music labels are looking to rip off YouTube musicians anyway they can, knowing they won’t be challenged.
Imint Vidhance Selfie Mode ensures you stay in frame
The Imint Vidhance Selfie Mode solution claims it will always keep vloggers in frame. Selfie videos can tend to be hard to control, so...
Ninja isn’t helping Mixer grow its audience
It was a huge deal when Mixer stole Twitch’s top streamer Ninja. However, despite landing this huge deal, among others, Mixer isn’t growing its...
Facebook Creator Studio gets mobile companion app
Facebook has announced it is released a mobile version of Creator Studio. It’s been long requested from content creators and now they’re getting it.
Neebs Gaming was hacked by scammers
Another channel on YouTube has fallen victim to hackers. This time it’s Neebs Gaming and they were hijacked by cryptocurrency scammers over the weekend.
YouTube tests Viewer Applause monetization feature
YouTube is currently testing a Viewer Applause feature that would allow viewers to donate to creators.
YouTube demands AI app to stop collecting facial data
Google and YouTube have just sent a cease-and-desist letter to Clearview AI, demanding the app to stop collecting facial data of people on their platforms.
Scam results in YouTube creator losing his channel
Kennis Russell, who used to own a YouTube channel with over 50K subs, lost his enitre channel because he fell victim to a sponsor scam.
Byte will give partnered creators all of its ad revenue
The spirit successor to Vine, Byte, has revealed new details about its partner program. This program will allow creators to make money on the platform.
Byte, Vine’s successor, smashes U.S app store charts
Byte, the spiritual successor to Vine, is off to an impressive start. In this short time, it’s sitting at the top of app store charts.