9 Must-read Books from Your Favorite YouTube Creators
Partially seen as a good business move, writing a book provides a way to spread your brand across a new medium to a new potential audience.
Guide: How to become the biggest YouTuber ever
So you want to be the world’s biggest YouTuber, huh? Well good news, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve got here for you...
Guide: 10 More YouTubers that Deserve More Subs
YouTube is a massive platform and with such a huge amount of content on the site to choose from, it’s easy to...
YouTube Instruction by Design: Using Instructional Design to Make More Effective...
Perhaps you’ve had this experience: You want to learn something, so you go to YouTube. You find a likely video and start...
Guide: Free Learning Resources
A Guide for Video Creators
We’ve all enjoyed the fruits of prevailing freemium business models practiced by online sellers and providers. Having shed free trials and...
A creator’s guide to New Year’s resolutions
We have the ancient Babylonians to thank for New Year’s resolutions, but if you’re a video creator, chances are you too have dabbled in...
How to market your YouTube channel without spending any money
One of the largest hurdles that new creators face is getting more exposure for their channels. Getting more people to view a video or...
In-person events for online creators
Without a doubt, the only thing better than an online video community is an in-person community.
Thanks to conventions like VidCon, more conventions are popping...
The 11 best cooking channels on YouTube
Still looking for your YouTube niche? Maybe this list of top cooking channels will inspire you to share your culinary expertise. Even if you’re not the chef-type, you can still learn from the strategies these successful channels employ.
Navigating YouTube’s copyright system
The consequences of ignoring the business side of your creative may be anything but fun. Case in point: YouTube’s copyright system.